FUI is an acronym for fucked up individuals. We’re not content with the mundane, the conventional, or the established order. We’re driven by notions that clothes are more than a mere cover for our naked body, they are also more than a shallow status symbol of our financial success, and they should not be reduced to such. Moreover clothes are used to police the body in terms of gender and sexuality. We reject the dictates of the fashion establishment and society old fashioned norms, we are indifferent to their approval or disapproval. Our designs are an unyielding testament to our belief that fashion is not about conforming to expectations, not from society not from the industry and not from what is typically considered avant garde. Our team is a collective of rebels, visionaries, and renegades, united by a shared passion for defying expectations and pushing the boundaries of sartorial expression.

Fashion, as it’s commonly understood, is a mere shadow of what we at FUI aspire to create. It’s a shallow concept, a fleeting trend, a fleeting expression of financial interest. We, on the other hand, believe that fashion is a canvas for individuality, and a means of challenging the very fabric of societal norms.

We don’t give a fuck about the whispers of the crowd or the judgments of the fashion world. Our clothes like our beliefs can not and should not be defined, they are not Japanese fashion, they are not street wear, they are not dark fashion. Like the colour black, our clothes are everything and nothing altogether.

We’re not here to blend in; we’re here not here to stand out, we’re here because we choose to be. Here to challenge, to inspire, to ignite a revolution within the fashion industry, one defiant garment at a time.

So if you’re tired of the mundane, the predictable, the ordinary, then join us on this sartorial rebellion. Together, we’ll redefine the meaning of fashion and redefine what it means to to be FUI.

Our clothes are made to move in them

so don’t stand still

If you choose to stand still

Don’t let anyone pull you away from your path

"Fashion" is just a game

wanna come and play with us? 

Stop giving a FUCK