FUI is an independent avant garde fashion brand. Our office and studio is in the center of Amsterdam. Our team is small and made of passionate creative ( fucked up) individuals who come together with a shared passion for dark aesthetic and not giving a fuck what people say. We are not hesitant to transcend established limits, confront prevailing norms, and still not to take ourselves to seriously .We’re not here to follow trends or blend in with the crowd. We’re the ones who say “fuck no” to convention and “hell yes” to anything that feels right. We believe that fashion is about self expression but also so much more than that. Fashion as semantically used today is a very redundant word for what we at FUI perceive it to be. To us it’s about having the courage to be how you want to be in a given moment. So if you’re looking for a place to unleash your creativity, to challenge yourself, and to be immersed in FUI’s interpretation of fashion and beauty, then make an appointment and stop by our studio to be inspired. In case you want to know more go to our manifesto page .

Elizabeth is our main seamstress, almost every FUI piece goes through her very skilful hands. Elizabeth is working with Illi the head designer to develop new pieces on a daily basis and if you are lucky you can walk in the store right as the new one of a kind sample was made and be the first to see it.